Sunday, August 30, 2020


I am told to speak on

1. How did I discover my purpose/Passion.

2. How do you discover your own passion.

Well, I would start by saying do you as a person really understands who you are and what is there about your existence?

In life, until a person search indept in the discovery of their personality and reason for their existence in human race, it might not be easy to discuss or search out a passion or purpose in life.
If you don't understand why you were created and which brings out the question for what purpose,  there is just no existence of the world "PASSION ".

Everyone of us is uniquely created to affect and impact humanity in a particular way and in doing this effectively and fulfilling brings out the you called The Passion

Passion is about emotions, the motivation and what makes us feel good, i.e. “do what you love”. 
Where passion can be all over the place, wild and exciting, purpose is much more focused.  
The discovery of who we are and doing things we love most that brings us to a fulfilling state brings out the passion.

A person whose fulfilment lies passionately in the entrpreurial world and he or she is in the white collar world,  might at first enjoy the benefit therein but there will be a period of famine emotionally and psychologically where only the passion you derived within you will keep you going, that moment when that is no where to be found indicate you are actually labouring in a wrong field

Passion and purpose discovery encompasses you to never ever look at the background you were coming from but build a ground for others to walk upon.
In discovery the passion, your growing up and circumstances surrounding who you are today might never encourage you to become who you should be but their is an inner man in everyone of us which strives daily to become better and become relevant in the world.

I would start with my experience,  alot of people I meet daily find it hard to believe when I tell them I was born and bred in mushin part of Lagos State, you know why, it's because of what they place was known for all over the world.
But I as so person choose to become a name and a person to be reckon with, I choose never to let my background determine where I go in life but it should be a limelight to make an impact.
Some of us never got the privilege of been a product of silver spoon homes but the passion discovery instinct in us daily charges us to become someone. 
In life, always remember your background should never put you to the ground nor but you to the back but should be that forces that drives you to the hall bringing your table for others to bring their seat and join yours

While I finished from school and got a white collar job, I knew the very month I got the letter this wasn't what I wanted and joking I said it's going to be 5 years in here and  would go on my life fulfilling journey but sometimes in life, whatever we think of ourselves, God would somehow bring it to pass which would make me say this, never think low of yourself or what you found do. 
I left the job at exactly the fifth year and while leaving my colleagues where trying to make my stay which means in your journey to passion and purpose discovery, there are bound to be people who would discourage your dreams and even write it off, some of them may not neccessary be enemies but because they are afraid of the year of the unknown.
While on the journey to passion discovery,  never let the fear of the unknown future get your throwing in the towel.
If some people had faced the unknown and made a name for themselves,  who says you can't become somebody tomorrow yourself

As an entreprenuer/ a career or professional personnel, it is not your educational qualification that will build your brand  and help you get a fulfilling passion for your life, you need to have a  personal development and teachings  on how to build yourself in whatever chosen career you might be but in doing this always try to have rules and regulations that guides your life, its not every motivational speaker or teacher that will guide alright, there is need for you to personally develop yourself.
Read and explore more about what makes life fulfilling,  how to get your career become a success, you need to have mentors who would greatly help you in binding your dreams even when challenges drain you out.
In passion discovery,  seek out a mentor who would always be a shoulder to rest on and will not be biased in teaching you

The second stage says, how  do you discover your passion and calling
You need to itemize the following traits
(1) What is the thing or career you find yourself loving without getting tired of its discovery 
(2)do you see yourself getting fulfilling in the passionate career or profession you choose and does it makes you feel like you are nearing an achievement level 
(3)do a brainstorming session within yourself, how was your life before you started, how do you feel now and what have you been able to achieve, draw out more things you feel you can do or add to make this chosen field a better brand for you
(4)get inspirational and motivation strengths by researching and interacting with older folks who are professionals in the field and how they have manage to survive the challenges of the career,  no profession without their odd periods
(4) is it bringing to your table a means of livelihood and can you survive famine at least on an average scale with it
(5) draw our your short term vision and have a long term mission and vision on another paper work, do you see the dream of having them become a reality
I would say, Nothing in life is done without God and his leading.
As human,  we need directions and leading to succeed hence the need to pray about whatever steps you are taking.
I studied business education and found myself in entrepreneurial world, I thought that was all and just enjoyed writing as an hobby until when I got talking with a older friend who was a expert in the media world and saw I could be better off in media world if only I was ready to groom myself and here I am today, an entrepreneur and also a media personnel.
Passion never ends but it leads you to discover more about what you can do which you never though of.

So, I would conclude here by saying there is a first stage of self-discovery which will birth the passion and the lovr and continuous determination to succeed will further make you understand there is more to what you can become in life than you ever think, at that stage you are on the journey to life's fulfilment of purpose


  1. Truly your session was exceptional , it spur me to keep going on and don't relent at all, because passion is endless .

    1. Thank you so much, I feel honoured and encouraged to become better. God bless you
